Wednesday, March 16, 2016

February 2, 2016

This week was really good but it was a bit slower than usual! We tried to contact one of our new investigators to teach him again. (he was in the hospital) We were unable to tech him because apparently he got the hospital on lock down for some reason. Needless to say, he isn't there anymore. We did however follow up and teach Tony and his kids again and we shared the teabag lesson with them. It is where you take all of the tea out of the bag and then stand the empty bag up. You then light the bag on fire and as it burns until it looks like it will burn the plate but it goes up in the air right before it burn to the bottom. There are a bunch of analogies you can use but we used the "You receive no witness until after the trial of you faith". Tony and his kids love it! I would bet that there are no more teabags left in that household by now. He felt like there was more to it and that God was trying to tell him something so he videoed it and watches it all of the time in an attempt to learn what other message it contains. After our lesson he said "we are going to lunch and we want you to come" his kids got all excited and even though we had eaten lunch right before we went to his house we went with them! They are such a great family! They came to basketball night again so they are building relationships with other missionaries and members as well.
Our area is about the size of all of Lethbridge so we have a hard time getting from where we live (a 40 minute walk from our area) to the far side of our area. The one day we decide we would go to part of the area neither of us had ever been so we started busing over but for some reason the bus we were supposed to transfer onto was an hour and twenty seven minutes late sop instead of waiting we just walked! We walked over 12 miles that day haha. I actually really like walking and that day was so warm I had my coat on but I regretted it! 

Last night we met with Anthony who is getting baptized this Saturday! We are so excited for his decision and so is his Grandma. We planned out the baptism with his and he asked me to baptize him! We are going to be very busy this week with preparation for that so we are really excited. Sorry this is so short, we have no time today because our ward mission leader agreed for us to meet with a family 45 minutes out of towm today at 3:30 which is supposed to be P-day. It makes for a fun (short) P-day.
Love you 

Elder Stewart

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