Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Zone Training and Exchanges - October 17, 2016

This week was a fun  one but we are STRUGGLING with the new investigators! We have only found one in the last two weeks and we find for 7 hours a day at least. But hey after tribulation cometh the blessings. Monday Night we taught a lesson with a member present and set 3 new baptismal dates BUT they did not come to church so those dates are no longer standing. We also had the opportunity to go finding. I actually really enjoy meeting everyone and I don't mind getting yelled at or doors slammed. I would have that happen 100 times over if it meant finding someone prepared but we find that most people do neither, they just don't give a care about whether or not God is Real. Super sad.. On Monday we also spent longer than I care to admit at staples printing a bunch of talks for ZTM. We had to print 18 talks for 22 missionaries. It was give or take 2000 pieces of paper. 10 cents per piece really adds up! So mom if you are wondering why I used my home card for this week because my allotment is gone! It will come back from the mission but for now I am broke. 

Tuesday morning we went back to staples to print the remaining 8 talks at 8:00 when they opened and from there headed to the church. We had our Zone training meeting at 10:30 that morning. We did not feel that we were overly prepared for our portion so we continued preparing that morning as we set up tables and chairs. The Sister Training Leaders Sisters Bevans and Harris came in from Winnipeg to help train. There were 4 portions given, so we gave two and they gave two. Before any of the portions we showed a funny video from called Rhonda Rhino-virous. Go check it out, It is not technically a missionary video but because EVERYONE in our zone has been sick we showed it to help them lout and break the ice for the training. The Sisters trained first on the 12 Weeks booklet. It bis a booklet that the trainers use when they are training a new missionary. (I know that book like the back of my hand at this point haha). Anyways the whole mission is going back to it because the most important thing in anything is the fundamentals. President Craig is a genious! We then gave a portion on Remembering the mission wide fast that we did. We started with an exponential graph. For some people the mission veil is so thick that they could not remember what exponential means. Thank goodness for the greenies that just graduated. we labeled the Y-axis miracles and the x-axis unity to show that through fasting as an individual we can see miracles but as we unite together like we did as a mission we can see exponentially (there's that word again) more miracles. We then had a discussion and shared miracle stories. We concluded that portion with the story of Namaan. He was asked to do something so simple that he thought that it was pointless but when he did wash himself he was clean. That same principle is truwe with the fast. We need miracles in missionary work and often times we look beyond the mark. President Craig prayed about what we needed to do and so we did it. Miracles will follow. Next was the Sister training leaders portion on families. It was really good, we have been training on families since I became a Zone Leader so it is getting really familiar but that is ok because learning is spaced repetition. We then had the portion that I was most nervous for out of any training I had ever given. We trained on the Atonement. We started with a discussion and listed a bunch of words describing what the Atonement can do for us. We also showed the "None Were With Him" mormon message. It was super good and again we are going back to the basics, it is so easy to take the atonement for granted but when we really appreciate it then the charity follows.  It was a super spiritual portion and everyone contributed. We did cook soup this time because some people were whining last time so we all just went out to eat instead. 

We had exchanges with the Thompson Elders that day. I was with Elder Gee who is a brand new missionary and he is the most curious person ever. "What is it like being Canadian?" "What is is like being a zone leader? Do you like it? Do you just rebuke people all day??" It was pretty funny. He is super good and it makes me miss training a little bit! We taught a few lessons.  Wednesday we found and thursday was our exchange with the assistants. I exchanged with the new assistant Elder Griffin. He actually came into the mission at the same time as me. It makes me feel old that someone who came out with me is already an assistant. I am so old. we tracted for 8 hours and got nothing from it except cold hands and a good feeling because of didligence. No investigators though haha. Saturday I skyped into a baptism in Thompson for Nyssa and Franky Merasty who Elder Low and I had taught up there, they finally got baptized. The neepawa Elder Baptized the Yambao family as well and they are moving to Lethy this week. (that is Manitoba Mormons biggest pet peeve, They all move to Alberta so the church here does not grow.) They will be on the North side apparently. Make sure they connect with someone so they don't get lost in the transition. 
Church was good this week! LLove you all! Pray for new investigators.
Elder Stewart

Ps Joseph is in court today! Hopefully they don't screw this up!

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