Friday, August 19, 2016

July 25/16 - Brandon Woes

Brandon was pretty good this week. Last Monday was quite the adventure! I don't know if I have ever mentioned it but Elder Timms has a girlfriend named Emma Beaumont. Sh is from BC and is serving in Montreal right now. The trick is, all of her family lives in Manitoba and they all know about him! He started in Winnipeg in her uncles ward and here in Brandon are two of her cousins an their families. He just loves it because they all love him. They ma as well be engaged so he uses it to our advantage and we went out to Ian Beaumonts house for dinner last Monday. It is so funny because it is like I am the one friend because he may as well be part of the family. It is a really funny dynamic honestly. They are really nice though so i don't feel like a third wheel. I had to almost pull teeth to get Elder Timms o leave their house. It was a good time.
On a more spiritual note we had a zone training meeting on Tuesday which was super fun!  It is where the whole zone gets together for a meeting and receive training. It differs from a zone conference because the assistants and President and Sister Craig don't come. So Elder Timms and i were in charge of it and I think it went really well. We had the sister training leaders give a portion on finding and families. It was quite well done. they used a talk given by Elder Anderson at the seminar for new mission presidents as a resource. Finding is a massive struggle in our mission. We do a TON of finding and we have a special emphasis on finding families. It is interesting how when you focus on it you notice things like mini-vans and toys a lot more. We also had the districts separate into their district and talk about and discuss the inspired plan to increase baptisms in the CAN-WIN mission. We concluded by Elder Timms and i giving about 75 minutes of training on the Book Of Mormon and we also used a talk from the new mission presidents seminar. the one we used was by President Nelson. It was really enjoyable and we feel that it was a major success!

After the meeting we exchanged with Winkler Elders and i went with my first-born son! Elder Low!! I was so excited for the exchange and it was pretty good! He is a lot more confident now than he was 7 months ago when i met him in Thompson. We did almost only finding because you can't teach if you don't have investigators. Elder Timms and i have dropped a lot of investigators that are not currently prepared or willing to progress. Elder low and i found some good potential investigators and reminisced about our glory days up in Thompson! 

Honestly I don't have much to report in but I am certainly developing a clisters on my knuckles! hopefully we will have more lessons next week. We did find a really nice little black family though an they are really good. They do not have a baptismal date but hopefully soon. One thing that was fun was i got to interview someone for baptism again. She was baptized on Saturday in....... Thompson! First one there since 2014. no one currently in the mission up until this weekend had ever had a baptism there. I am so happy for them. 
Church was good this week, i saw Shannon Francis! I knew who she was but i was not 100% sure it was her but it was. Once i got over the fact that i am so close to home that seeing people i know is inevitable i have started to enjoy it! It happens all the time!

Elder Stewart

Elder Stewart and Shannon Francis and her little guy. :)

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