Thursday, May 26, 2016

19th Birthday and Mother's Day

I don't have much to say because we talked like 24 hours ago but I don't know if i ever officially said happy Mothers day so i am like the worst person on the planet but Happy mothers day! Parker Seemed hesitant about answering my question about Brooklyn. Are they gonna get married? 

This week was a pretty exciting one! I am now officially an old man both in life and the mission, which is depressing. On Wednesday I turned 19 and i thin I have some gray hair and on Sunday i hit my 10 months in the mission mark. I would say the first 19 years of my life have gone by fast but i would nothing to compare it to but believe me, the first 10 months of my mission have flown by!
Last Monday we got word that Elder Peck who is in our district is being transferred to Winnipeg even though it is the middle of the transfer because Elder Bennett is receiving a Tagalog speaking Trainee. Because of this we decided to be nice and make a delicious meal for him. We made pork chops perogies and peas. I think I will apply for iron chef america the season after i get home because it was delicious. that night we had the wonderful opportunity to go and give a blessing to a less active member with a member of our ward. It is really amazing how the lord provides opportunities when we are obedient. If not for the blessing we may not have been able to meet that less active member. We taught quite a few lessons this week but we have been focus sing more on teaching members that haven't been at church in a long time and meeting them is great because it is clear that at one point these people knew that the church is true, and that deep down they still have that flame burning no matter how small. It is easier to see these people as Christ would because their potential is so clear! Tuesday was a good day, we taught a few lessons and actually found a new investigator that wants to be baptized. We are hoping and praying that she does decide to continue on that path! Wednesday was my birthday so that was nice, what wasn't nice was how many people cancelled on us out of the blue. That night we had the chance to go outr for some amazing Mexican food with the Orrs! They are great! After the mexican food we went and got ice cream at DQ and at the request of Parks (their 4 year old son) they sang me Happy birthday! It was great! that night we had the chance to go and teach the Moores the message of the restoration. they are a young family and it was so good to teach them. they are totally active in the church but I have learned that the best way to build relations and testimonies is to study the Gospel. If you haven't had the chance to do this then go tell the missionaries to come teach you one of the lesson. It is great! The rest of the week was filled with all sorts of missionary work! We did get to do some service for a single mom. We went and fixed her lawnmower, rototiller, chainsaw, window and did a bunch of yard work. i don't know if this is false doctrine or not but I think the Holy ghost can help you fix things for others because i had no clue what i was doing haha. On Sunday I got to talk to my family for like 35 minutes! It was fun and good to hear from them! I also got to give a talk in church but they said to only speak for 7 minutes which is th opposite of usual missionary talks where they say "take up the rest of the time" and there are like 30 minutes left. Speaking for only 7 was tough. 
Love you all! 

Elder Stewart
Elder Stewart, Elder Bennett, Elder Romeril and Elder Peck

Elder Stewart and Elder Peck

DQ ice cream for his 19th birthday courtesy of the Orrs.

Elder Stewart and the Orr's son

Our family pic on Mother's Day.
Elder Stewart, Elder Romeril and the Orrs

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