Tuesday, April 4, 2017

March 20/17 - Transfer Week 3.0!!

Transfer week 3.0
I am scared by how fast time is going, I have already been in the Waverley ward for 3 months. Transfer week this week was not nearly as crazy as last time so that was nice. 
Monday we spent most of the day in the office for our P-Day. We had a lot of calls to make to missionaries, travel plans to finalize and just some other office work to do. Last transfer week was way nuts so this time I suggested that we take time to do things before we actually had to because otherwise it was going to be 2am bedtime every night again. No regrets about getting most things done on Monday. That night we went and picked up Elder Wright from Gateway area. We also had a missionary who was going home stay with us that night so their companions were together for a few days. That night we showed Elder Wright the ropes a little bit. I remember being in Elder Wrights shoes that week because as the new assistant you feel like the biggest third wheel ever. Its all good though because that week is full of new stuff. 

Tuesday was interesting, we had a bunch of meetings. The first one was the Seniors meeting at the office. We co-ordinated both the schedule of the week and the  Logistics. The senior missionaries are so funny, they just live their roles so much and are so caring. After the meeting we set up for the trainers and the new leaders meeting. We had to Skype a bunch of people into these meetings but conveniently we left the lap top at the apartment so with 15 minutes to the meeting Elder wright and Elder Griffin went to grab it and I stayed to set up for the meeting. Thank goodness for splits with President haha. Having 3 assistants make things so much more effective during transfer week. We got the meetings started just on time. At the trainers meeting we train on Principles of effective leadership and also how to do an effective companionship study. That went well, it is hard to teach with three people though. Then we gave the new leaders meeting. We have three main portions for that one. Each one of the assistants took one portion. Elder Griffin went first and trained on the importance and purposes of meetings such as District Meeting and Zone Conferences. Elder Wright went next and trained on exchanges and Then I went and trained on the principles of accountability and the application of that. That night we found a new investigator named Andrew. 

Wednesday we had Zone Training Meeting. Elder Wright was technically still a ZL in  north zone so he went to go give training there. I went to the the south zone training meeting. That afternoon we went tot the airport to pick up the new missionaries. I love that part of this role too. That night we had dinner at the mission home and the testimony meeting. that night we had the new Elders stay with us. We dropped them off at our apartment and then went to go set up for the orientation the next day. 

Thursday was the new missionary orientation, the technology worked that day. Transfer meeting went well and the train got off reasonably on time. That was goodbye to Elder Griffin. That night Elder Wright and I got to go to the departing missionaries dinner. I got to bear my testimony that time. Elder Olcott was one of the departing missionaries. Crazy to think I only have 3 transfers left. Scary really. 
Friday we took the missionaries to the airport at 5:45. There was no MLC this time so it was a lot easier of a week. It was in the transfer week debrief Friday morning that President asked us to come to Thompson. No rest for the wicked I guess! We had a meeting with President that afternoon and got him all set to go to Saskatchewan for Zone Comferences that afternoon. He is so busy. 
Saturday and Sunday were good days! Hope everyone had a good week.

Love Elder Stewart

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