Tuesday, April 4, 2017

February 27, 2017 - A Better Week

This week was a lot different than last week. Monday we got a all from President Craig informing us of some of the challenges in the mission. He told us that we were needed in Kenora. So we packed up, cancelled our appointments for that night and drove to Kenora. That is one of the joys of being Presidents assistant, not too often you just get approved for a road trip with free gas in your life. Anyways we got there at 9:00 Monday night. 
Tuesday we were exchanging with the Kenora Elders. They are a trainer and Trainee in their second transfer together and are struggling to get along. President informed us on the situation and so on the way out there Elder Griffin and I discussed the pros and cons of each of us exchanging with each of them. In the end we decided that I would exchange with the trainer and Elder Griffin with the trainee. We did that. We had District meeting and had to be back in Wnnipeg that night so essentially we only had from lunch until dinner to work the whole situation out. After district meeting I met with the trainer for companion study and we talked about what was going on. He had a long list if things tha were wrong and concerns he had with obedience, relationships, and anything else. I realized that this was not going to be a quick fix so what I ended up doing was I sat down with this Elder and we made a list of concerns. He had 8. I then had him number them from 1-8, most concerning to least. I then had him make a second section titled "Goals". Again I had 8 spot there and starting with number 1 we set a goal for each concern. After completing the goals section I made a third section titled "actions" and we wilted 1 thing that this great trainer could do to affect this concern and reach this goal. We discussed the principle of agency, he could not make different decisions for his companion but he could show forth a good example and have a profound influence. After completing this sheet I asked him "If your companion made a similar list, what would be on there?". We discussed a few things and set goals and actions for how he could improve, and compensate and adapt so that the companionship could work in unity. It was very helpful for him. After dinner and right before we left back for Winnipeg the 4 of us sat down and had a talk. We had them open up and discuss things and set goals. It was an interesting experience to be able to minister rather than just administer and send their zone Leaders or something. Things like that are hard tough because in the MTC they teach you how to teach and ask inspired questions but they never teach you how to minster to other missionaries. I felt like I was 100% winging it haha. It was fun though. I should mention that that morning we all went on a run and we were enjoying the beauty of Kenora. When we were running home we were crossing a street an had the walking sign. I was in the front so I crossed. There was a truck at the intersection who I guess was trying to turn right on red and so he was stopped. He didn't see me and he hit the gas and hit me hahaha. It didn't hurt but just freaked me out. I like jumped and my hand hit his headlight and I kind of just bounced off and kept running. To make the story sound better through we will just say that I got he by a truck haha. (Maybe don't put this paragraph on the blog because it is not really anyone's business that we had to go do an emergency exchange).

So Tuesday night when we got back to Winnipeg we met up with our District Leader Elder Woolley and his companion Elder Moore. I was exchanging with Elder Moore in Waverley. We tracted all day until the night. Now here is story time, (it is super sad so get some tissues) WHen I was in Thompson I got to know a member family there by the name of Wastesicoot. She was great, she made me the moccasins I sent to Parker and She gave talks in church all the time. Right before I left Thompson she left Thompson to go with her grandkids in Winnipeg because her daughter was in a rehab program. 11 on this later I get transferred to the Waverley ward where she is now living with her less active husband and their grandkids. One of their grandkids is 8 years old and her name is Jade. Jade was having bad headaches an they ended up finding a brain tumour and admitting her to the hospital. On Wednesday they found fluid buildup inside the brain and they called us to come give her another blessing because she was maybe going to need surgery the next day. We gave a blessing to her, her less active mom, Sister Wastesicoot and the less active Grandpa. The family is understandably an absolute wreck. It makes me want to work in the medical field even more than ever before. I am currently thinking radiology but we will see. Anyways we talked to them and tried to console them. It was amazing that Gordon (grandpa) asked for a blessing because he had not been to church in a long time. 

Thursday I had another exchange (3 in 1 week!). This one was with Elder Wintle who I served a transfer with. We had both he and Elder Ence in our area and between the two companion ships we had 0 lessons set. We both tracted ALL DAY. It is nice for the area but not necessarily for the exchange because it is hard to get a feel for how the are doing because you don't get to teach together. It wa fun nonetheless. 

Friday we had a bunch of lessons set but through a series of unfortunate events we didn't end up with the most successful day. It's all good though, we found a bunch of potential investigators that may become something!

Saturday we had a few lessons and did a lot of tracting. 

Sunday is the day where things started coming together. We were at church and we learned that Jade Wastesicoot was released from the hospital They have been taught by missionaries and have been to church a bunch. Bishop met with the family and set a baptismal date with them for this Saturday. They have asked me to baptize Jade so I will do that! It is amazing the faith the family is showing to work through this even when the medical professionals say that there is no hope. Her 10 year old cousin Natalie is getting baptized on the same day. 

Hope everyone had a good week. 

Love Elder Stewart

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