Friday, January 1, 2016

Where is Winter?

It was a pretty great week this week!
On Monday we went for a bit of an adventure by the river for fun. We found some pretty beautiful places which is weird because we were pretty much still within city limits. P-days are interesting here because we never see other missionaries so we get creative with P-day activities. Basketball isn't an option. I haven't shot a basketball in MONTHS! it is seriously killer and a left handed layup might be a little difficult for me now haha. 

We had set a goal of finding some more people to teach and this week we were super successful in that regard. We found six new people to teach which is the most I ever had in a single week. It is really interesting because a couple of them are from India and don't speak English very well so we taught a lesson through the translation of one of their 13 year old sons. That was something I had never done before but it actually worked better than I thought it would. Lucky for us in all the moving we have been doing we found a Book of Mormon in Hindi! What are the odds of that??

Speaking of moving we have been doing a lot of that lately. We now have all of the important stuff in the new apartment but we still find ourselves back and forth for the little things. Our new apartment is way smaller but so much nicer as well so it is a trade off. We had the maintenance man guy approach us and tell us he wanted to come look in the old apartment. We hadn't done the deep clean yet and he said it was one of the cleanest he has seen! I don't even want to know what the other ones look like because some parts of ours were kind of dirty but overall it was fairly clean. He gave us a big lesson on cleaning the stove and that was nice. 
One neat thing that happened this week was that we were stopping by someone we met that had invited us over, she ended up not wanting to see us but her brother was like I want to talk to you so we have taught him twice now! You never know where you will find people to teach. 

Church this week was really weird without the Burkmans being here but we managed. Brother Hinds who has been the Branch President for a total of 40 years presided and conducted. We were a small crowd but the Spirit was really strong! We also had the first Presidency devotional last night. It was really good but I was sad that president Monson did not speak, I guess he is having some health difficulties. Hopefully he can recover. The weather here is still super nice! The normals for this past week in years past is -25 and this year it is like -4 or something. We always tease the locals that Manitobans don't really know cold but I think they do haha.
Have a good week!

Elder Stewart

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