Friday, January 1, 2016

I Am Moving!

This week was a different week for sure but it was a really good one. We got a bit of a surprise opportunity to go on an exchange. typically an exchange is 24 hours so you sleep over but that makes it tough when the closest missionaries are 4 hours away! WE got to drive to Ponton (in between here and Flin Flon) on Monday and we switched companions so Elder Low went with Elder Bloemart to Flin Flon and I went with Elder Moore (different one than my MTC companion). It was really sweet to be able to spend all of Tuesday and part of Wednesday with him. Right after the exchange we met in Ponton again and the Flin Flon Elders left to Winnipeg because Elder Moore is now in Winnipeg as a zone leader. Lots of driving for them! Elder Moore and I did some knocking on doors on Tuesday which was the only really cold day so far this year. It was -25 or so and that was no fun but that is OK because we had some potential success! Elder low and I spent more time this week doing service than usual because everything from the Burkmans apartment has to be in ours because they left this morning. Right now our apartment is jam packed full of stuff from their apartment. We also got a surprise phone call on Wednesday informing us that we are moving apartments to open up a vacancy for the new Sr couple that is coming. We have to move all of our stuff from our current apartment to a new building and 3 floors up and deep clean the old apartment while it has a lot of stuff in it before January 1. We will be very busy I am sure! the new apartment is like half the size of our current one (or less) so we will have to be extremely creative to fit everything (including our beds). I am actually kind of excited because it will be an adventure! We were still able to get in about the normal amount of lessons this week and although there is no one on date to be baptised the work is progressing. On Sunday it was the Burkmans ;last day so they both spoke and said the goodbyes. It was the 5th Sunday so it was supposed to be the branch president teaching Sunday School but seeing as Elder Burkman had just talked and was leaving I got asked to teach. I was assigned to talk on missionary work which is a little odd because I didn't want to sound "woe is me". I think it went well though! After church the Branch surprised the Burkmans with a HUGE Potluck. It was wonderful. The Burkmans were so excited especially because they had everything packed up and all they had to eat was TV dinners with plastic spoons haha. The branch is sad to see them go and so am I. This morning we said our goodbyes because we had to get the last of their stuff at 5:30 this morning :/. I have really developed a love for teaching lessons and really just talking to people so I feel like I am a bit different than I was before. 

Love Elder Stewart

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