Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Thompson is Great

This week we had so many good things happen! I mentioned last week that everything was going so slowly but it has turned around as we knew it would if we kept working hard and being obedient. We had a couple great lessons this week with a bunch of our investigators! We have one investigator named Tara who has eagerly agreed to be baptised! She just started meeting with us 3 weeks ago I believe but she has been reading so much and attending church most weeks! Elder Low is doing great and his eagerness and enthusiasm  for the work is unparalleled. I am really lucky to have him as a companion because he is definitely not lazy! We had to get the Wind shield replaced on the truck again. Luckily this time we didn't hit a crane! It was just a rock that a truck flipped up that did a real number on our Wind Shield. That is the second time we have had to get it done since I have been here! We have also had to get a new tire because one of ours split at the seam. We also had to get the drive shaft replaced because of the roads around Thompson. I am pretty sure our truck might be the most high Maintenance mission vehicle in the world! 

We went to Nelson House again this week and luckily the weather was a lot better than it was last week. I love going to Nelson House because the members there have a tough time getting in to church but they have some of the strongest testimonies ever! They have an eagerness to share the gospels as well which for us as missionaries is fantastic! One of the people in nelson house is an elderly lady (probably 95) who lives in an old folks home. She was baptised just a couple years ago and she is unable to make it to church on Sunday so we have permission to give her the Sacrament so we do it weekly. It is always a really spiritual experience and it is also very fun because she sings to us in Cree. Her favourite hymns are Silent Night and Away in a Manger so she sings them every week... even in July because "it is almost Christmas" but it is wonderful. 

On Halloween we helped at the ward primary party. It is a lot different than at home because only two families could make it so there were seven kids. We had a bunch of fun games set up and the kids had a blast. One of the families was from Lynn Lake. They obviously can't make it to church every week because that is 4 hours North of Thompson but the came in for the party and went "trick or treating" in Thompson. We had the chance to teach the kids after the party because the haven't been baptised yet! that was fun and I was impressed by how much they know because they have never been to Primary but it goes to show that the best place to learn and develop a testimony is in the Home! This family even stayed overnight and came to church on Sunday which was fantastic. We will go visit them in two weeks probably so that will be Sweet!
It was the Burkmans last fast and testimony meeting yesterday and the whole branch is going to be sad to see them go. They will be hard to replace especially because Elder Burkman has been Branch President and Sister Burkman has been doing primary but it will all work out! It always does.
Hope you all have a great week!
Elder Stewart

Elder Stewart claims he used his "culinary" skills and made moose stew.

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