Friday, November 27, 2015

A Baptism!

This week we taught more lessons than I ever had before in a week! We continued to teach Pam this week and she is doing great! Most people we meet with only want to meet with us weekly or sometimes twice a week but not Pam! We taught her 6 times this week! We are so excited for her and her progress! 
Remembrance day was on Wednesday and it was weird not to be in Magrath for the ceremony but I figured we should still go to a ceremony so one of our investigators to us where to go and when! It was held at the ice arena (which is surprisingly big for such a small city, but hey it is a hockey town) and the whole arena was filled. We got there like 10 minutes early and could not get seats which was actually kind of exciting because I did not know how many people would go there. they had a bunch of RCMP and firefighters there in uniform as well as Cadets and scouts. The population here is almost split evenly between Caucasian and Native american people so at the ceremony they had a Christian preacher share a scripture on peace and they also had an Aboriginal elder do the peace pipe ceremony which I thought was a good idea to keep everyone happy. to make the ceremony even better they fed everyone Hot Dogs after! I have no clue who paid for it but it was great. 
on Thursday we had Zone Training meeting which was in Brandon but our Km's allotment didn't allow us to drive down so we Skyped in. Never try it, it doesn't work. Us and two other companionships skyped in but none of us could hear the missionaries in Brandon, we could only hear each other. It was awful because we couldn't leave 1. because we weren't allowed and 2. because the people in Brandon could see us even though we couldn't see them. Ultimately we sat there listening to every 5th word for 3 hours! believe me I was not sad when it was over haha. things got better that day though. We had arranged to meet an investigator at Tim's later that day. When we got there our investigator was not there yet. I started talking to a random lady and she was telling me what her favourite stuff from Tim's was. I had never tried her favourite muffin and she said I had to try it so she bought it for me! That made my day a little better! On Thursday night we met with one our members friends and he asked us all kinds of questions about religion in general and about The Book of Mormon. It was really fun to talk to him because the questions were hard to answer but he was not trying to Bible bash in any way! When Elder low and I walked out we felt like we had done a really good job! It really made me appreciate my studies because I was able to share some scriptures that answered his questions way better than I could have. 
On Saturday I got the opportunity to Baptize Jasmin. She is a girl from the ward, her father wanted us to teach her the missionary lessons so we did and then she asked me to baptize her. Her dad served a mission and wanted one of us to get the chance to baptize her so I did and Her dad confirmed her! It was a great experience and Pam was there, she really enjoyed the service.
My family has spent the week travelling eastern Europe and picking up Parker this week so I am sure that has been fun. I am living vicariously through the pictures.
Love you!
Elder Stewart

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