Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Transfer Week!

This week was eventful to say the least! Elder Birchall and I did our best to stay focussed and continue to work hard as it was his last couple days in the area and we did really well with that! We taught a couple really good lessons and even found a new investigator! Her name is Debbie and she is showing so much potential! She truly wants to join the church and raise her kids with the morals and standards of the church! It is amazing how the Lord blesses us with so much as we are obedient! We also continued to teach some other investigators and it was tough for him to say goodbye to Thompson and the people here. It is amazing how much it just becomes "home" when you spend a couple months in a place! On Wednesday we drove down to Winnipeg which takes almost 8 hours! We had an uneventful trip down but since there is nothing between here and Winnipeg we didn't have lunch so we were super hungry by the time we got there! Winnipeg has a road called Perimeter Highway which is just that, a road that goes all the way around the city. We accidentally took Perimeter East instead of Perimeter West so we drove 90% of the way around the City before we finally got to the place we stayed the night. That was fun. On Thursday we had transfer meetings. For transfer meetings the new missionaries meet with President and Sister Craig and the Assistants for initiation and stuff and then the trainers join in for the end and then other missionaries in the area join in the meeting at the end. When we get there we just know that we are training and we have no idea who our new companion is going to be. President Craig calls up the new missionary and then projects a picture of the place they will serve and missionaries guess where it is because some of the pics are hard to recognize. After about 4-5 of the new ones President Craig called up Elder Low and instead of projecting up a picture of where he would serve a screenshot of the Google map was projected with the route to Thompson highlighted and it said 8.0 hours or whatever. It was funny and everyone laughed! I got to go meet Elder Low and he is my new companion! After the meeting We had Pizza and then everyone left as if nothing had happened and we get back to missionary work. It was neat to see how something so big like transfers doesn't delay the work of the Lord. Elder low is from Chestermere Alberta! He is a very musical guy! He has played the saxophone for many years and is quite the singer so we may have the first special musical number in Thompson in a long while! He is tall so I still look like a midget! Thursday night we stayed with the St James Elders just as we had on Wednesday night. We had some time after the meeting to do some missionary work so we went street contacting and had some success! Elder low even gave someone a Book of Mormon! Later that night the St James Elders left to an appointment so Elder Low and I and another new missionary who was leaving to go to Saskatoon the following day went and knocked some doors. these aren't the best ways of finding people but since none of us knew anyone in Winnipeg we just went for it. It was really strange for me to be the "experienced" one who they were watching as an example. It was kind of a good feeling though, and it makes me pumped to train! On Friday we drove back to Thompson and we are all back into the swing of things! We have taught a couple lessons together and Elder Low is a great teacher! Elder Burkman wasted no time in assigning us to speak so we both spoke Yesterday! Elder low spoke on the Gospel of Jesus Christ and i spoke on the Atonement. I am actually really enjoying speaking which is weird because I dreaded it at home. Yesterday was the biggest sacrament meeting that has happened since I have been here! We had 26 people which is insane for Thompson! We had two investigators surprise us at church because they hadn't told us they would come! It just goes to show that we have the responsibility to ask and invite everyone because sometimes that is all they need and we never know who is ready so invite everyone! I am excited to spend my next three months training Elder Low and I am also excited to still be here in Thompson!
Love Elder Stewart

Elder Evans (my brother)
Elder Birchall (My dad)
Elder Wilson (My grandpa)
Elder Low (My son)

Elder Stewart and Elder Low

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