Thursday, July 16, 2015

Week One! Surviving So Far!

Hey guys we got on late but i'm here. The first week at the MTC has been wild but it has also been fun. when I first got here I was about 3 hours late but they welcomed me and two missionaries that got there a couple hours before me helped me out. Funny enough they ended up being in my zone. My comp, Elder Moore, is 6'8 and going to play basketball at UVU after so that's interesting. In my district are 5 elders and four sisters. The elders are really cool. Their names are Elder Moore from Gilbert Az, Elder Grant from Idaho somewhere and they are both coming to the Peg with me. Elder Grant's comp had to return home but we hope to see him in 6 months so now Elder Grant is in our trio. The other two missionaries are going to Tallahassee Florida and their names are Elder Beutler and Elder Radmall. I have met one other Canadian missionary who ironically is coming to the Peg! She is from northern BC. Other than that there is no sign of Canada!

The MTC itself is probably the busiest thing I have ever done. We have no down time except for about 30 minutes this morning. Our teachers are great and very knowledgeable. All of them have returned from missions in the last 3 years so they are still in  missionary mode. we have practiced teaching a lot and currently have 3 "investigators". It is much more difficult to teach in a trio than a companionship because its hard to know when to talk.

 The food here is great on the way in and everything after that is bad haha. We get gym time everyday and they have a workout facility here so that's where we go everyday. 

Hannah, camp sounded awesome, those slug fights are legendary. Sara, have a great time at AFY. No talking to boys allowed. Sorry rules are rules. Dad and mom I'm glad to hear your heart is doing better. The Kayaking looked really fun! It's great that you can bike now dad.

 I miss Lucas (Editor's Note: Lucas is a deacon in our ward that Matt baptized in November, Scarlett is his younger sister.) and I kind of worry about him. Make sure you take good care of him and make him go to church! Same goes with Scarlett! The spirit here is strong and Lucas better come on a mission one day to feel of this spirit. On Sunday night we listened to a talk Elder Bednar gave at the MTC on Christmas in like 2010. It was the best talk I have ever heard hands down. I don't think you can find it outside of the MTC but if you can then do its worth all 45 minutes of it. Its called "The Character of Christ". I don't have too much time because I have to go switch my laundry. (Editor's Note: Yeah!) Thank you for the packages. My district loves the junk food haha. I think I'll email you on Monday but I don't know for sure. If not, I fly out Wednesday morning at like 5 so I'll call you at some point Wednesday morning but it might be 4:00 am so be ready. Love you guys!! 
Elder Stewart


  1. James is looking for the same talk. I'm assigned to find it. Glad to see Matt having a good first week!!

  2. Maybe this???
