Tuesday, August 23, 2016

A Little Healthy Competition!

So as I mentioned this past week we had a little friendly competition with our past companions. They are in Wanuskewin ward in Saskatoon which is where Elder Olcott just came from! It is crazy to talk about that ward because quite literally I know about half of the people from back home. That ward is 95% southern albertans no joke! Everyone in the mission raves about that ward because "Albertans just know how to do missionary work". I think i missed that memo before my mission but I am getting better now. needless to say we went so hard this week because we had the obvious disadvantage. We called them Sunday night to compare our numbers and see who is getting a free Big Mac and who is not. We had the win but out of nowhere a former investigator called them 20 minutes before us and they talked and she said she wanted to be baptized and THEY SET A BAPTISMAL DATE OVER THE PHONE TO TIE UP THE COMPETITION! In an extremely anticlimactic ending we tied. Miracles happen in the CANada WINnipeg mission for sure. 

This week was great! Elder Olcott are more alike than different and much more similar than Elder Timms and I were. He likes Fords... but other than that he is ok haha. Our main finding technique has been walking around in the downtown area and near the university. Both are extremely hit or miss but the whole tracting during the summer thing just does not work out. We did have one experience tracting though where a young mom with some little kids screamed some unkind words at us. I hadn't had a sober person yell those at me since high school football, but then again back then i probably deserved it. it was sad to hear her do it in front of her young kids. I was surprised that i didn't say anything back. i feel like that was a real realization for me. Before my mission i certainly would have made a smart remark back but I didn't. I think I am starting to understand charity a little better. (I still thought of the smart remark though, I don't know if that is a good or a bad thing). 

We are still meeting with Clifford and h is still on date to be baptized next weekend. We don't necessarily feel like the ward is totally supportive because he is a YSA native guy. It is sad to me that that stereotype exists. Granted if we look at the list there are a ton of names ysa people who are less active but ofttimes these are the people that need it the most and when properly nurtured by the members can become contributing members of the ward. We have some members really on board and i admire them for that! We also had a miracle happen when w stopped by a less active family that we work with and the family was not there except from an older brother that has never sat in on a lesson. I asked if we could teach him and he said yes! We started salivating as we prepared to extend the baptismal commitment. Apparently he was 8 when his mom converted so he too is baptized. But hey reactivation is important too! 

Micakela (our recent Convert) is still killing it! She probably reads more of the book of Mormon a day than I do! I did finish it again today though! that was exciting. This week Elder von keetch is coming and we have a mission leadership council with him as well as a zone conference! It is going to be great! Thats all for now! 
Have a great week! 

Elder Stewart

Moccasins that Elder Stewart had a lady in Thompson make for him. He just received them in the mail. He says he is in love!!

Elder Stewart and Elder Olcott with their recent convert, Mickaela.

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