Thursday, May 26, 2016

First Week of April 2016

This week was very eventful and exciting! We started the week by visiting the people that Elder Kiriaka had known while here. Transfers provide a wonderful opportunity for missionary work because that is the last and lasting impression you leave on people so it gives you the chance to bear powerful testimony and leave them with an inspired invitation to increase faith! We were very busy teaching to start off the week. On Wednesday we taught Tony and Elder Kiriaka said his goodbye. Tony was devastated but is still meeting with us and desiring to grow his faith. On Wednesday night the people being transferred from Saskatoon came down to Regina and I met up with Elder Romeril. He actually stayed with us for a night last transfer so I know him a bit. Another exciting thing that happened that night was Elder Truman Moore stayed at our apartment. He was my 6'8 MTC companion who I had not seen in about 9 months. It was fun to see him for sure! I feel bad though because he and Elder Grant (my other MTC companion) still haven't seen each other since the MTC. Elder Romeril and I are getting along great! He is a very hard worker. We know a lot of the same people from home but all of them are his age which means they graduated when I was in Grade 8! He is a great example to me because his younger brother is an RM and he still decided to come serve! I am impressed with him. We have had a lot of success since he got here and the ward loves him. Devon and Anthony did not take long to warm up to him so that is great! We are having to postpone Harris' baptism from the 23rd but I am sure he will still be baptized soon. It was somewhat crazy on Sunday at church because Devon and Anthony's little cousin came and was very noisy! It wasn't that bad but Sister Lonechild got concerned so hopefully that won't affect whether or not they come. Last night we had an interesting experience. We had to do the zone leaders job with the weekly report from the zone because they got asked to leave town to give a blessing. We had no clue what we were doing but it was fun anyways. Makes me appreciate them more for what they do haha! 
Hope everyone had a great week! 
Love you!

Elder Stewart

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