Friday, January 1, 2016

Charlie Brown Christmas!

On Monday I decided that we needed a Christmas tree for our apartment so I talked Elder low into it and we went out into the bush to find a tree. We had one picked out from the week before but we couldn't go back for it because we got a lecture from brother Hinds about staying away from the river (which is where all the good trees are). I think it could be a good talk analogy. Anyway we went into the bush but the trees here are not very full because it gets so cold and there are so many close together that the nutrients are hard to get (except by the river haha) so they don't really look like Christmas trees but it will have to do. that was one of the more fun P-day activities we have done.

We worked really hard this week but it was just one of those weeks. In mission lingo there is a word we use called "lunched". It is when you have an appointment and the person doesn't show. I guess it refers to them leaving you out to lunch. Anyway we got 'lunched" between 2 and 4 times a day every day this week! getting lunched a couple times a week is expected but this week was more than a little which can make it tough at times. It was still a good week though because we got lot's of good things done. We taught the family from India again and they began reading the Book of Mormon in Hindi which I think is pretty neat. It is truly amazing that the Book of Mormon is is so many different languages that almost everyone can read it. 

We also continued to teach Pam this week and she is doing well but still struggling with a smoking addiction. She is so open to learning about the Book of Mormon and the church! I am sure she will be baptised but it may take a little bit longer than anticipated because of the addiction but it will happen!! We had another man named Allen on date for January 2nd to be baptised and we taught him with a member from the branch. When we went to pick him up for church we were informed that he had been arrested and put in jail so we will try to teach him again when he is out! It was really sad to get this news!

On Saturday we volunteered at a parade and collected clothing and foo donations for the homeless people. I didn't wear my boots and my toes fell off so that was bad but they gave us free bannock so it was worth it!

Church was really good yesterday and Brother Hinds is doing a great job as Fill in Branch president! As branch clerk I have the opportunity of doing the tithing but when Elder Burkman was here I didn't get to actually do that much because he would jut do it. now that he is gone it all falls on me but I didn't really know how to do the computer part (believe it or not) but surprisingly we got it all figured out! 
Last night we sang at an old folks home and I actually sang a solo in part of we three kings. I sounded like Josh Groban so it was OK haha
Today we are driving to Winnipeg so that will be a blast I am sure! Hopefully the roads are ok because when the assistants tried to drive up to do an exchange with us they rolled their truck! They weren't hurt but it was scary. 
Love you all!
Elder Stewart

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