Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Turkey and Training!

It has been a good week and we have taught quite a few lessons! On Monday we had the opportunity to give another lady a blessing! I have loved having these opportunities to exercise the priesthood with those who cannot otherwise access it because there are not too many male members here in Thompson! The lady we gave the blessing to is not a member of the church yet but she loved that experience so a seed is definitely planted. 
We also got to get our hair cut this week which was much needed! Elder Birchall and I both were just doing our best to not look like scrubs. On Wednesday night the Zone leaders Elder Wilson (Elder Birchalls Trainer) and Elder Owens came and did an exchange with us. I got to stay here in Thompson and go on visits with Elder Wilson and Elder Owens and Elder Birchall went to Nelson House. Elder Wilson and I taught one really great first lesson to a lady we met recently and she has committed to be baptised! We do not yet have a date set but she seems very sincere! We also received a phone call that day from a member of the branch whom I had never met before. He is from Lynn Lake which is 4 hours north! He expressed his desire for the missionaries to teach his family again as they are unable to make it to church most weeks. He invited us to go and visit his family so we are planning that for November. It was such a miracle for that to happen because 3 appointments had fallen through and we were almost to the point where it is like "What do we even do now?" but we met with him and taught him a lesson! 
The rest of the week was fun as well! Saturday was transfer calls so we were anticipating the call all day. It came at around 1:30 and it was one of the assistants. He asked us what we thought was happening. We both thought Elder Birchall was leaving and we were right! He is heading to Steinbech to whitewash train meaning that he and his new missionary have both never been to the area before. It will be tough but he will do great! We were then informed that I would be training here in Thompson! I was a little shocked but excited as well. We will be making the long journey to Winnipeg this week and then I will drive back up with my new comp. 
Sunday was the last Sunday here for Elder Birchall. Everyone is sad to see him go but he gave a great farewell testimony. In honor of thanksgiving we cooked a turkey and it was delicious! One of the members gave us a turkey and that is something I want to do every year when I get home. Just buy the missionaries a turkey because it takes so long to cook we just did our studies and went tracting while it cooked and now we have food for a week. Last night we visited a man in the branch who had a serious surgery where they actually amputated his foot. he is back in Thompson now so we visited him. He has a smoking habit but last night he said he didn't want the smokes any more and he gave them to us. We were super excited and couldn't believe it! This surgery has really made him more desiring of the gospel than ever so that is great! 
This week should be fun with 18 hours of driving! Love you lots! 
Elder Stewart

The thawing of the turkey. It was too big for the sink!

Looks pretty good! It's even the right side up!

The Feast.

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