Sunday, June 11, 2017

May 29, 2017 - Last Week in the Office and Play On!

Dear friends and family,
I am writing this on a bumpy highway between Winnipeg and Brandon to pick up my replacement in the office. This week was a good one. We had 0 exchanges this week! I think this was the first week I have had 0 exchanges since December. Pretty crazy!

Monday we played tennis for P-Day!That was super fun. That night we did some finding in little Hong Kong which is the south part of the city. So man chinese people!

Tuesday we had DM and did some office work so that this coming week doesn't put us through the ringer too badly. I love preparing for transfers, it is just like prepping for a big game or something. You get to put so much preparation into it and then regardless of how prepared you are you always have to make some kind of audible. I have probably just been away from sports for too long but it really seems to get your heart beating haha. 

Wednesday We did a bunch of finding and taught one lesson. That night we stopped by a potential whom we had met just a few days earlier. He is a basketball guy so we got talking about basketball. he said he knew all about LCI basketball. He also said that a few years back some kid named Jimmy Ralph lit them up for like 45 points. Funny how stuff like that sticks with you. He also was a coach for PGC so that was another connection. Hoopefully he will progress and convert. 

Thursday We found a new investigator named Roger. He is new in Canada (so is everyone that gives us the time of day). He is from China and is actually baptist. He refused to accept the Book of Mormon because he had to ask his friend first before he would accept it because "he is the only man I trust here in this land of Canada". Lucky for us his friend is in our ward!! 

Friday I got an unexpected phone call! It was a member of the bishopric and Elder Wright answered. Long story short I ended up with a 15 minute talk to give on Sunday... Thanks Elder Wright haha. I would have done the exact same thing to him without hesitation! We also had a good meal appointment whee we met a few non-members!

Saturday was GREAT! We were at Play On! all day long. We had 14-16 missionaries there and we worked in companionship's. In the am Elder wright and I worked in the tent giving away registration packages and stuff. In the afternoon we were given a fancy radio and given the task of monitoring the rinks. Pretty much we got to walk around and if a game was getting heated we should stay there for a bit to keep an eye on it, as well as filling the refs bottles and running balls to rinks. There were some great hockey players there! I was super impressed. Some of the best players were native guys from reserves! SO TALENTED!! It was good to "bump into" Uncle Scott. That night the sisters had a baptism so we went to that as well! It was a good day and the impacts of it will last for months. Everyone knew "The guys in the white shirts". Many people asked who we were. Now when these families get tracted into in the future they will be way more open to talk to us. I think doing it yearly would be a good idea. Winnipegers love hockey and if the missionaries are associated with hockey even in a little way that is huge!

Sunday we got to meet with President Craig and rebuff transfers. To connect a few dots I was asked to speak Friday night, Saturday we had service all day so i had no studies. Sunday morning before church we met with President for 2.5 hours. Point is, I had no time to write my talk. I was writing it on the way to church and on the stand during the announcements. To make it better President and |Sister Craig were there with their oldest daughter. Also Dave Reeve (Very good family friend) were all there. I was like "oh crap". I think it went OK though. I spoke on personal revelation. I found a good talk called personal revelation by Robert D Hales and used some of his thoughts. (thank goodness for I-pads). I also based it on the primary song Search, ponder pray. I didn't enjoy it really but I am glad for the opportunity. I just love my mission! It is the best! I am super sad to leave the office though working with the Craigs has been life changing! I got a note from one of the old assistants from like a year ago and he said he misses it like crazy so I probably won't know how good I have it until it is gone. 
Love Elder Stewart

ps I am going to the YSA ward for my last transfer! I will cove the whole city so I am still kind of in the Waveley area!

Uncle Scott and Elder Stewart

Some of the missionaries volunteering at Play On!

Elder Stewart and Dave Reeve

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