Wednesday, September 7, 2016

August 29, 2016

Just look at the name of this weeks email, it has been a good one! So Monday and Tuesday we did a ton of finding and at this time of the year especially during the day tracting is a joke so we just walk and talk to people and it is SO much more effective. It has worn my shoes out like crazy, we are taking like 25000 steps a day. Wednesday we had a few great lessons and believe it or not did.... (drum roll please) street contacting! At the beginning of my mission I really dreaded finding because it is boring and hard and awkward and talking to people is uncomfortable but believe me once you see someone change from your efforts your perspective changes. I like it now, the fact that it is not -40 may contribute but I think my perspective has too. I will let you know during the winter if I am delusional or not. 

There is a lot to say this week so I will just break it up.

Sleep Walking has been a real thing lately, ever since Elder Olcott got here actually. Not for me but for him and it affects me haha. He has not slept walked since he was a kid but on like his second day here he woke up at 1:00 am turned on the lights and went to go exercise. I woke up because of the lights and made him come back to bed. 2 days later the same ting happened at 4:00 am. A few days later he asked me when i got up to pee about the asian missionary that served in our mission in the year 2000. We still have no clue what that was about. The best one yet though is still a few nights ago while we were billetting in Winnipeg we were sleeping on these missionaries couches and I guess Elder Olcott was sleep walking. He eventually decided that he wanted to go back to bed but he walked to my couch instead of his and reached for his blanket but instead he got a fistful of my face. I must say it woke me up real fast. He then proceeded back to his couch but walked into a barbell and destroyed his shin. It was so funny. moral of the story; don't sleep walk. 

MLC- We left to go to MLC on Thursday but we left early so Elder Olcott could go to court and fight a $400 ticket he got a week before he came to brandon. He got it down to $250. MLC was with Elder Von Keetch of the 70. He is a very interesting man, He is a lawyer for the firm that the church uses in Salt Lake City and he had worked with President Craig on many law things in the past. We received great training and then he opened it up to questions. Elder Lee who is now serving with Elder Timms was serving with Elder Kiriaka when he went home. Elder Lee Asked how we can best help those missionaries in our zone or even our companionship who are struggling. I really appreciated it and in 4 letters the answer he gave was pretty much love. Love them enough to help them, love them enough to seek help from President Craig and love them enough to stay in touch with them after you are not together anymore. After MLC we all got our picture taken with them and sent to our Parents S'cute. It is kind of a secret because only MLC members got that opportunity so keep i on the down low. 

Zone conference was great as well, I got to billet with Elder Birchall and Elder Timms and their companions so that was fun. The training was amazing and something neat was that he said President Craig was straight up the best mission President in the world. No just like he would say it to every mission but he had 3 members of the quorum of the 12 approach him before he came to say that Elder Keetch was not coming to fix anything because it was not broken so "Don't mess it up".  President Craig really is the man.

Miracles- We had two, we have this guy named Clifford who we are teaching who kept coming to church reading and praying but kept wanting a dream to finally make him commit. On Wednesday we committed him to accept the answer even if it came as a thought and feeling. he committed to that and two days later he had a dream that made him say "I KNOW that I need to be baptized". The next day a man approached him who he had never seen and said "the dream is true" Clifford has not seen him since. He is now on date for September 17 for baptism.
The second miracle is that we were tracting and we felt that we should go one specific way so we did and we met someone who said we could come back. We did not think much of it but now we do. We went back, she has been to church 4 times and has read a large part of the Book of Mormon and the reason she didn't get baptised is because she got admitted to the hospital and lost contact. The Lord has been blessing us big time! 

Brandon Olympics- This week is the Brandon Olympics. Last night was the opening ceremonies. We had a conference call with all 10 companionships and we sang the national anthems (Star Spangled Banner, Oh Canada, and God Save the King) so everyone in the zone was accounted for. We also had an opening prayer. The Brandon Olympics happen every year... this is just the first year haha. It was an idea I had to help motivate our zone so we have some prizes and We drew up a scoresheet so different things are worth different amounts of points and it will last 7 days. I am excited and the whole zone is riled up and ready to go. I am excited to see the end result of our labours this week. My only question is "who will come second, who will come third??" haha jk. 

Oh also we put a fake turbo on our Nissan Rogue so it sounds like we drive a Camaro. It is fun, I don't get road rage when we hit a red light anymore haha
Love you all, have a great week!! 

Elder Stewart

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