Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Mission Conference in Winnipeg

This week was a really good week. We were out of Thompson for most of it but were still able to teach quite a few lessons. we are teaching quite a few people and have been able to find even more people that show genuine interest in the Gospel which is wonderful. We have been working so hard to help people come to church and decide to get baptised. our hard work is starting to have its effects. We taught a lesson to one of our investigators named Y'vonne on Saturday and have committed her to be baptised on October 10th. this is very exciting for us as well as the members of this small but wonderful branch here in Thompson. 
We had the opportunity to drive down to Winnipeg this week to hear Elder Dale G Renlund speak to us. It is about an 8-9 hour drive and since we carpool with the Flin Flon Elders we are crammed in a little car because it gets better gas mileage than our truck. It makes the drive really "fun". When we got to Winnipeg we went to a restaurant called Mongos. It is a Mongolian grill like Hu Hot in Kalisbell but it isn't buffet style. You get one bowl and however much you can fit in it you get to eat. As missionaries we have it down to a science. By the time we were done dishing up our bowls were about 9-10 inches tall. I could barely even eat half of the food so it was a great meal!! 

Elder Renlund spoke in last general conference about Latter Day Saints doing our best to not be Latter Day Sinners. It was a really great talk. Anyways, while we were in Winnipeg he gave us great training on how to be better missionaries. He focussed on having a good attitude and also a good effort. One without the other makes us incomplete missionaries. He explained that all of us have natural tendencies to either have a good effort with a bad attitude or visa versa. When we can overcome this natural habit of negativity is when we will truly become the best missionaries we can be. He also talked about Alma and Amulek. Alma was the missionary and he did lots of great things but he was much more successful when he found the Member (Amulek) and brought him to lessons as well. This is something our mission is really working on. It can be tough here in Thompson with so few members but we are working very hard to be able to get members in lessons with us. He also gave a really interesting quote that he heard from his sister but really liked so he shared it with us. It is "The church is just an Atonement delivery system." I thought that was a really neat way of looking at it. Sister Renlund also spoke about how to be an effective missionary and how to better plan for our lessons so that we are not wasting time and also so that we don't have to scramble during lessons. 

President and Sister Craig also gave a portion on how to better use members in our teaching and how to use ward council. We definitely learned a lot and are trying to apply as much of it as possible here in Thompson. They also encouraged us to focus more on inviting people because people need to be invited in order to progress in the Gospel. It was a great meeting and it was super fun to see all of the other missionaries there. it was only for the eastern half of the mission so i didn't see my MTC companions but i was able to meet so many missionaries and see my grandpa (my trainers trainer)
Love you all!
Elder Stewart

The famous rock frog in Thompson.

The District en route to Winnipeg - Elder Birchall and Elder Stewart in back,  Elder Blommaert and Elder Moore - the Flin Flon elders.

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